Please feel free to come along and view our classes in action and meet our Principal and staff. Phone the school office on (03) 488 2642 to arrange a suitable time to visit. We look forward to meeting you and your child.
Enrolment Scheme
Our school has an enrolment scheme approved by the Ministry of Education. Enrolments from within our school zone are welcome at any time. Children outside of our zone are admitted in priority order (as space allows), based on the following criteria;
- Sibling of a current pupil
- Child of a staff member or Board member
- Sibling of a former pupil or a former pupil returning
- All other applicants.
If the number of out-of-zone children seeking admission exceeds the number of spaces available, a ballot is held. For information on space availability, please contact the Principal.
Abbotsford School Zone
North: Bounded by the blind end of North Taieri Road and including all of the lower section of McMeakin Road, and including all of Abbots Hill Road
East: From a point north of the blind end of Abbots Hill Road (intersecting the northern boundary) to Highway 1 motorway, to include the blind end of Boomer Street
West: From the Main South Road at Flower Street, but not including Flower Street, a line running north to intersect with the aforementioned Northern Boundary
South: State Highway 1 Motorway adjacent to Boomer Street to the west corner of Sunnyvale Park then continuing to, but not including Flower Street, by means of, but not including Main South Road from that point.
Tuhuru Ratu
Each Tuesday, our New Entrant teachers run Tuhuru Ratu from 1.20pm to 2.30pm to support children’s transition to school. Children are welcome to come to the school library from 1.00pm to get a book to take home.
Tuhuru Ratu provides an opportunity for children to …
- Discover and explore our school environment
- Make new friends
- Play and learn together
Tuhuru Ratu is also a time for parents to …
- Meet other parents
- Find out more about how young children learn at school
To attend Tuhuru Ratu your child needs to be enroled at Abbotsford School and be three months away from turning five..